如何应对低价市场困境?How do you deal with a difficult market of low pricing?
When things get though the immediate reaction of the market is to lower the prices. This is understandable, a much higher supply than demand due to multiple factors like a slower economy, domestic and international, markets no longer available like the United States one, the invasion of imported brands from Italy, make the domestic manufacturers turn their heads to the domestic market to try to sell their products and factories capacity creating this overwhelming supply much larger than the demand creating a tsunami of lower prices in the market. But, how do you deal with that?
当情况要挺过去时,市场的即时反应就是降低价格。这是可以理解的,由于国内和国际经济放缓、美国市场不复存在、意大利进口品牌的入侵等多重因素,供应远高于需求,这使得国内制造商转向国内市场并试图出售其产品和工厂产能,这造成了压倒性的供给并且远远大于需求,从而导致了市场上更低价格的海啸。 然而,您是如何处理的呢?
Many companies can’t sustain a market with lower prices for a long period of time and simply end up closing their doors forever, like it has happened in the last couple of years to multiple brands or companies. This situation could last for a few years and the pandemic just made it worst.
许多公司无法在市场上长期维持更低价格,最终只能永远倒闭,就像过去几年里多个品牌或公司的情况一样。 这种情况可能持续数年,疫情只是令它更加严峻。
When you are comparable with your competition in the ceramic market what is going to happen with the price? The customers have the easy decision to buy from the brands that sell the ceramic comparable products at the lower prices. So, what is the solution?
当您在陶瓷市场上与竞争对手相比时,价格将会如何? 客户会轻易地决定从以较低价格出售同类陶瓷产品的品牌中购买商品。那么,怎么办呢?
Differentiation! When you provide a product and or service that is unique in the market it certainly helps. Some people say that quality is part of the solution but I don’t think it is enough to be honest with you.
差异化! 当您提供市场上独一无二的产品或服务时,无疑是有所助益的。有人说质量是解决方案的一部分,但实话告诉你,我不认为这就足够。
Customers are not educated enough to understand the physical and technical characteristics of the tiles from the different brands to notice which one is better than the other or which one has better quality.
Businesses in general have been changing throughout the years, in the old-days availability was the most important thing. Whoever had the product was the one that was getting the orders. But in our case does not apply since everyone has more or less the same product. It only applies when the product is unique or if you are the only brand that has that type of item.
总的来说,这些年来市场一直在变化,在过去,供应是最重要的。谁拥有产品谁就是获得订单的人。但由于每个人或多或少都拥有相同的产品,因此对我们而言并不适用。 这仅仅在产品独一无二或您是拥有该类型商品的唯一品牌时才适用。
The second era of business was when everyone was offering the same thing people would buy based on whoever offered the product at the lowest price. This is exactly what is happening in the market now. When the consumers can’t differentiate between the brands they will buy from the lowest priced one or from whoever they think offers the best and most reliable quality
Most businesses and brands stop here relying on availability (which no longer applies because we all have the same product), quality (does not apply either since the customers can’t tell the difference) and price (which is a never ending battle and losing effort) there will always be someone that will offer their products at ridicule low prices, much lower than you possibly can. So where are the last 10 years of business education? What happen to them? Did those years get lost? Forgotten?
大多数企业和品牌止步在对这几方面的依赖,供应(这已不适用因为我们都拥有相同的产品),质量(这也不适用因为客户无法分辨差异)和价格(这是一场永无止境的战争和失败的努力),总会有人以低得离谱的价格提供他们的产品,价格远低于你可能做到的。 那么最近十年的商业教训在哪里? 他们怎么了? 那些年输了吗? 被遗忘了吗?
After the eras of availability, price and quality came the era of differentiation. Customers want to get their hands on different things and you have to be able to create something unique and different for them, which at least give you a temporary advantage over the competition. This was exactly what happen to us in 2015 when we made a big change offering the most complete modern rustic product offering including store design, decoration and application. It lasted for a good 2-3 years until everyone else shifted to this style. During those years was when we experienced our biggest growth in the market and our sales kept growing to significant higher amounts. Once many companies changed to the modern rustic then our clear competitive advantage slowly started fading.
在供应时代之后,价格和质量进入了差异化时代。客户希望获得与众不同的东西,而您必须能够为他们创造出独特和不同的东西,这至少让您在竞争中拥有暂时优势。这正是我们在2015年做的事,当时我们进行了重大改变,提供了最全面的现代仿古产品,包括店面设计、装饰和应用。它持续了2-3年,直到其他所有人都转变到这种风格。 在那几年里,我们经历了市场上最大的增长,销售额也不断增长到显著的更高水平。一旦许多公司转向现代仿古风格,我们明显的竞争优势便开始慢慢消退。
We were still ok because the market and some customers knew we were the first that offered this revolutionary style but then the same thing that happened to Apple IPhone happened to us. Once those competitors like Huawei, Samsung, Oppo, Mi, started offering similar phones to the market the IPhone certainly lost some luster. But kept in some way its place due to two important things: The quality of the phone and the differentiation of its system IOS. Price has never been an advantage for them, but also is not a big problem which clearly exemplifies what I have been explaining.
我们仍然还好,因为市场和一些客户知道我们是第一个提供这种革命性风格的人,而后来苹果公司遇到了同样的事情。 一旦像华为、三星、Oppo、小米这样的竞争对手开始向市场提供类似的手机,iPhone肯定会失去一些光彩。但由于两个重要因素,它的地位在某种方式上得以保持:电话的质量及其系统IOS的差异化。 价格从来都不是他们的优势,但也不是一个大问题,它可以清楚地佐证我所阐述的内容。
The business eras do not stop here. We have already started a new era where being different is not enough, you have to be radically amazingly different from the competition in order to stand out. You have to be ready to make extra-ordinary things. When you are clearly different and offering a unique product or concept you have a temporary monopoly and for this period of time you enjoy a clear advantage that eventually represent potential better sales.
So what is exactly the meaning of differentiation? Or being amazingly different?
In the world of business many companies claim or say that they are different, but do they really understand the real meaning of this word? It is more complex than you think because differentiation is like an onion that has multiple different layers. But that I will explain on the next week’s article!
本文链接: http://http://www.icctc.cn/content/?2318.html